Community Transitions Liaison Program (CTLP)

The CTLP staff assist residents living in nursing facilities to transition back to a community setting.

The CTLP supports any Nursing Facility resident (ages 22+) who wants to consider transitioning to community setting.  This service may benefit individuals with a broad range of conditions and needs, inclusive of both short stay admissions and long-term tenure. It will also recognize the unique needs of sub-populations, including those with criminal justice system involvement, behavioral health needs, specific diagnoses and individuals experiencing housing insecurity, and/or those who may require specialized referrals to state programs and supports and to other agencies for transition needs which are best met through other agencies.

A team consisting of a Community Transition Liaison and a Case Assistant will serve residents in facilities in Bristol’s 15 service areas.  They will provide weekly on-site visits and will assist in  facilitating and coordinating discharges for any resident interested in transitioning back to the community.

For more information contact us at info@bristolaging.org or call our Information & Assistance department at (774) 627-1390.